SL Grades 6-12

Grades 6-12

Find where you belong...

Ever feel like something is missing? Or maybe you just are looking for something more? Think about joining us at one of our youth events and find what you've been searching for. 

Wednesday nights

Learning about our faith, activities, prayer, group discussion and truth. This is what you'll find on Wednesday nights during the school year. Come find your relationship with Jesus and work with the Spirit to serve our community during our service projects. All 6th-12th grade students are welcome!

Class Schedule for Grades 6-11 in English

Class Schedule for Grades 6-11 in Spanish


TEC Retreats - 3 day retreat for anyone 16 years and older focused on the Pascal Mystery. Just experience it, you won't be disappointed! For more information contact the Faith Formation Director.

"The Church and world need the faith, gifts, energy, and fresh ideas of young people." Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Catholic Youth Ministry, USCCB)

Join over 2,000 Catholic Youth for 3 high-energy days of music, speakers, activities, Mass, and more! Youth in grades 8-12 THIS year are eligible to attend!

OCTOBER 20-22, 2023 at St. Catherine Luverne, MN


Check out our Video Library! Here is just a preview of the videos available.

That Catholic Show           Lifelight Everything Skit

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