Catholic Daughters of the Americas

Catholic Daughters of the Americas

Welcome to the Pipestone Court Saint John #1371

Established in 1945

Who Are We?

We are one (1) of twenty-six (26) courts in Minnesota and a part of a vibrant national organization the Catholic Daughters of the Americas (CDA) that was formed in 1903. CDA is one of the oldest and largest organizations of Catholic Women in the Americas. There are 63,000 dues-paying members in 1,150 courts in 45 states across the country and in Puerto Rico, Mexico, Guam and the Virgin Islands. Under the patronage of the Blessed Mother, its members are united by their faith in Jesus Christ, in their devotion to the church and the Holy See.

What is a Catholic Daughter?

She is a common ordinary woman. She loves her God and Church. She loves her family and cares for them in a most loving way. She loves her community – because without faith, family and friends, she stands alone and lonely. She is mature (over 18) in mind and spirit. She follows the motto of Unity and Charity striving to embrace the principle of faith, by working for the church, family and community.

What is our Purpose?

  • Spirituality and Service

The integration of spirituality and service is the foundation of the Catholic Daughters. CDA helps women develop their spirituality and provides avenues of service to live out that spirituality. The CDA gives members a unique opportunity to share their faith with other Catholic women. Helping others through charitable acts in the spirit of Jesus Christ is the heart of our organization. Spirituality and Service: the heart and soul foundation of the Catholic Daughters of the Americas.

Want to Learn More?

  • Contact Elaine Fenicle or call the St. Leo Parish Office at 507-825-3152.
  • Contact the Minnesota State CDA at
  • Contact the National CDA at

Join Us and Become of Part of:

Having Fun Giving

Collecting winter children's hats, mittens, scarves and socks that are donated to the local Pipestone charities.

Making homemade Valentines to bring love and joy to our Homebound and Care Centers Parishioner.

Shopping for personal care items donated monthly to the Pipestone Food Shelf.

Help sponsor, fundraise and volunteered labor to Habitat for Humanity

Growing in Spirituality

  • Making Rosaries to be donated to missions, Newman Centers, and more!
  • Praying the Rosary with residents at Falls Landing and Good Samaritan.
  • Making Spiritual Bouquets of our prayers to Seminarians and Priests.
  • Attending the Funeral Mass as honor guards for deceased court members.
  • Getting together in the summer months to pray the Rosary at our three parish cemeteries, St. Joseph, St. Martin & St. Leo and sharing fellowship.
  • Growing in our personal faith through Catholic Bible studies, podcasts and apps such as Hallow, Amen, Ascension, Word on Fire, FORMED and many others.

Fellowship with Fundraisers

  • Food’s Up!
  • Veterans eat for free at the Pancake Breakfast.
  • Winter Hotdish Luncheon
  • Spring Salad Luncheon.
  • Sponsor Carlson Pillow Cleaning in the Pipestone Area.
  • Collecting aluminum cans year around.

Supporting Our Parish Youth & Families in Creativity & Spiritual Growth

  • Sponsors our Youth & CDA members who have talents in Art, Essay, Poetry, Computer Art, Music & Photography with entries to the Annual National CDA Educational Contest faith-based themes.
  • We are so proud of our winners!
  • Create and provide fun projects for families to strengthen their faith together.
  • Prayer Partner with Confirmation Students.

Celebrating our Sisterhood

  1. Monthly Meetings are a time to share prayers, ideas, talents, to hear what has happened, and to make plans for upcoming events, and of course to share a meal. We often have guests from our community to inform us about their organization’s services or to share their special talents and skills. 
  2. We love to welcome new members!
  3. Celebrating our sisterhood with other Courts.
  4. Sharing food, fun, talents, ideas, and information at State Conventions. This is a wonderful time to meet and visit with the other twenty-six (26) courts in our state. 
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